For peace. Very sorry. We didn’t vote for it. We didn’t know where we were going.


With the purchase of this poster you support Ukraine and the proceeds will be divided among the artists (10%), the museum (25%) and Ukranian War Relief / Hospital Care (65%).

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Oleg Gryshchenko

Russian propaganda uses deception. It calls war – peace. It says that the russian army brings salvation, but it brings only death and suffering. The russians are hiding behind the words that they can do nothing as long as war crimes are committed with their tacit consent. Our goal is to destroy the Trojan horse of russian propaganda.

This artist is a member of the Pictoric group. Pictoric is an Ukrainian group of illustrators who have created a website , to be able to fight against the Russian aggression in their homeland, Ukraine They collect and create illustrations, posters, and comic books to support Ukraine and its people, convey true information, and inspire the whole world to fight for freedom and democracy.

Additional information

Dimensions 80 × 120 cm