Past exhibitions

Design Museum Dedel was opened on 1 July 2019 by Mrs. Hedy d’Ancona.


January, 24 2024

Anti-war Exhibition, Synopsis

Angelika Sosnova


January, 24 2024

Anti-war Exhibition, Synopsis

Angelika Sosnova

In the anti-war exhibition of the museum Dedel, you come across the artworks made at the beginning of the twentieth century that look like prophecies of upcoming disasters. And indeed end-of-the-world theories are part of our cultural background and can be found in any folklore and ancient traditions. The fear of an uncertain and unknown future drives the human mind to explain the unexplainable. As the human body goes through the cycle of life, the universe must dissolve and reemerge as well. The Mayan version of the world-end records a vast cosmic cycle that represents a world period of some thirty-four thousand years—twelve and a half million days—and these are recorded again and again. However, with the development of weapons of mass destruction mankind doesn’t need to wait for the end of the cosmic cycle anymore. During the twentieth century, the idea of the possible end of humankind was ever present in the public space all the way through the Cold War till 1991. Great deal of fear, tension, and anger were reflected in art pieces of the era. Our museum’s anti-war poster exhibition combines works of many politically involved artists, designers, and illustrators. They strived to appeal to the kind human hearts, to the best human qualities in an attempt to stop bloodshed from happening.

June 10 2023 until October 31 2024

Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, New art

february 8 2023 until the end of 2024

Ukraine. People. Courage. Posters

Posters from Ukraine, 2022 as well as from the 1920’s. This exhibition is held to support the Ukrainian people. The posters from 2022 are for sale in a limited edition with proceeds going towards the artists (10%), the museum (25%) and Ukrainian War Relief (65%).
Free entrance for those holding a Ukrainian passport or ID card.21 May benefit auction of the posters.

Also showing from 15 February until 12 November 2023, “War to War. Posters for Peace 1912-2022”

december 2021 / may 31, 2024

Willy Sluiter and Piet van der Hem

june 10th until januari 31, 2023

Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, Nieuwe Kunst

Enjoy the original posters from the turn of the century (ca 1900) and discover the differences
A new exhibition at Design Museum Dedel on the occasion of the Art Nouveau Festival.


Tempo Doeloe: a century of design from the 'gordel van Smaragd', the Dutch East Indies

Until August 2019

90+90, Wim Crouwel and Milton Glaser