Come and help Jan Dedel renovate his house during the museumnacht Kids Den Haag. March 22, 17.00 – 21.00 h

Februari 10, 2025

Come and help Jan Dedel renovate his house! See here what you can do.

Save the date! Museumnacht Kids Den Haag. March 22, 17.00 - 21.00 h

Jan Dedel’s old house needs restorations…Help the owner, Jan Hudde Dedel, designing wallpapers and tiles. Or model sculptures, colour or create posters. 

This is what you can do:

  • Help Jan Dedel with new wallpaper. Look at the old, precious wallpaper. And create your own design.
  • Design your own poster for the museum. What do you like most about Dedel House? Cut, paste and draw a poster of it.
  • Bring the stairwell to life! Now it's boring white. It used to look much more colourful. Fill in the colouring page and see how it used to be.
  • Oh no! Jan Dedel’s children cut some photographs of the house. From few to many pieces, help them collecting and solving the puzzles. What is it going to appear?
  • Make an origami artwork, put your fingers to work to make a sheet of paper into something beautiful.
  • Explore the world in Dedel House by doing the geography quiz. Discover objects from all around the world!
  • In the kitchen of Design Museum Dedel there is a  special wall: it is made of very old white and blue tiles. Get inspired and decorate a ready-made tile.

At 19.30 Jan wants to thank you for your visit: follow his clues, solve the enigmas and you will find a well-deserved hidden treasure! Find your treasure before 21.00.

Save the date! Museumnacht Kids Den Haag. March 22, 17.00 – 21.00 h

Januari 21, 2025

Design Museum Dedel is thrilled to announce its participation in Museumnacht Kids Den Haag, that will take place on 22nd March 2025 from 17.00 to 21.00.

Save the date! Museumnacht Kids Den Haag. March 22, 17.00 - 21.00 h

We couldn't be more excited! Ticket sales for the event have started! Families, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends and teachers! Don't miss this opportunity to discover The Hague's museums and cultural institutions together. Let's sparkle joy and creativity through this magical experience. Lots of fun activities are planned! Buy your tickets quickly via the website and mark your calendars on the 22nd March.

CANCELED: Announcement: DIALOGUES, music at the court of Louis XIV.

october 11, 2024

On October 27, Stefan Woudenberg and Alex Baker will perform at Dedel House with their new program DIALOGUES, music at the court of Louis XIV.

CANCELED: DIALOGUES, music at the court of Louis XIV

Stefan Woudenberg and Alex Baker are part of the string quartet Lyrata Consort. Before touring South Korea and Japan, they perform at Dedel House.

At the court of Louis XIV, the Sun King, music was not just an entertainment, but an essential part of everyday life and the refined culture that characterized Versailles. The viola da gamba, with its rich and expressive sound, was at the center of French baroque music.

The program, entitled "Dialogues", is a tribute to the viola da gamba and the composers who brought its potential to unprecedented heights: Marin Marais, Sieur de Sainte-Colombe and Sieur De Machy. Their works give us an insight into the versatility of this instrument, which played a key role in the musical dialogues at court both as a soloist and in co-play.

Tickets cost € 19.95 including museum visit. Tickets are available via or at the box office.

Monthly newsletter, March 2023

March 2023

We are proud to present the first edition of our monthly newsletters. In these newsletters there will be updates on the museum's exhibitions, events taking place and much more.


In February we proudly presented our exhibition ''UKRAINE. PEOPLE. COURAGE. POSTERS'' curated by Daria Lisenko at Design Museum Dedel.

The exhibition opening began with our museums chairman emphasising that an exhibition like this should not even be taking place, the war in Ukraine should not be happening. Putin’s war is unnecessary; causing irrevocable devastation, and we must all do our part to help the Ukrainian people. For the Design Museum Dedel this exhibition was a way of doing just that.

Yuri Lisenko, Counsellor at the Ukrainian embassy shared a few words with us at the opening and was presented with a poster from a contemporary Ukrainian artist. The curator of this exhibition, Daria Lisenko, spoke on the inspiration behind this exhibition, the powerful nature and long history of Ukraine poster design.

In curating this exhibition Lisenko dug through the museum's collection to showcase Ukrainian film posters from the 1920s. In conjunction with this she included posters from Ukrainian artists now a hundred years later. Contemporary artists such as Maksym Palenko, Oleksandr Grekhov, Nikita Titov, Borys Groh, Yuriy Zhuravel, and the Pictoric illustrator group.

We would like to know what you think of the exhibition. Have you visited yet? The museum is open from Wednesday until Sunday, 11:00 to 17:00 with entrance free for those who hold a Ukrainian passport.

The beloved posters of Piet van der Hem and Willy Sluiter are still on display on the first floor for you to also see!

Poster is the fastest artistic way to tell about the war in Ukraine

03 march 2023

On the 8th of February, Design Museum Dedel in Den Haag opened an exhibition devoted to the commemoration of the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. «UKRAINE. PEOPLE. COURAGE. POSTERS» can be considered one of the largest Ukrainian wartime poster exhibitions in Europe showing almost half a hundred wartime posters by the best contemporary Ukrainian artists, such as Maksym Palenko, Oleksandr Grekhov, Nikita Titov, Borys Groh, Yurii Zhuravel, and artists of the Pictoric illustrator group. In addition, the exhibition presents Ukrainian posters of the 1920s from the Design Museum Dedel collection, which illustrate the richness of the cultural life of Ukrainians a century ago.

Poster is the fastest artistic way to tell about the war in Ukraine

The exhibition aims to tell the Dutch audience about the most important events, which happened in Ukraine after February 24, 2022, but also to raise funds for medical assistance in Ukraine. A whole 65% of all profits received from the sales of limited edition of poster prints will be transferred to the Healthcare4Ukraine fund. The exhibition will last until May 21, 2023 and will end with a charity auction. Additionally, the entrance to the museum is free for Ukrainian citizens for the entire duration of the exhibition. Hopefully the exhibition will travel abroad.

«The exposition is organized to support the courageous Ukrainian People in their heroic struggle for freedom and independence.» – Martijn F. Le Coultre, president of Design Museum Dedel.

«With the beginning of the invasion by the troops of the Russian Federation, it became clear that the artform of the poster is the fastest artistic way to tell about the war in Ukraine. A wartime poster in the last century was always created on the order of the state, but the posters presented at this exhibition were made on the artists’ own initiative as immediate reactions to the events of the war. Most of these posters were created for social networks as an expression of the artists’ emotion, but also as an opportunity for people to share these works online in situations where their own words were simply lacking due to pain.» – Daria Lysenko, curator of the exhibition.

«The small 17th-century mansion (of stunning monumental beauty!) could barely accommodate all the guests at the opening ceremony. This rather specific place is loved by the Dutch - it houses a collection of masterpieces of Dutch printed advertising and posters from the past 150 years.
Now the museum has placed iconic works of Ukrainian artists known to every Ukrainian.» –Snizhana Starovytska, Ukrainian journalist, cultural expert, who visited the opening of the exhibition.

«UKRAINE. PEOPLE. COURAGE. POSTERS» (08.02.2023 – 21.05.2023)
Museum address: Design Museum Dedel, Prinsegracht 15, 2512 EW Den Haag – staff of Design Museum Dedel – Daria Lysenko, curator of the exhibition

Verhuizing van de collectie naar Den Haag

21 juni 2019

Afgelopen periode vond de verhuizing plaats van de collectie van Design Museum Huis Dedel. Het gaat om de collecties van de stichting Het ReclameArsenaal, inclusief het AfficheMuseum in Hoorn, die nu naar Den Haag zijn verhuisd.

Verhuizing van de collectie naar Den Haag


Tot 2018 lagen de archiefstukken, blikken dozen, affiches en wat dies meer zij verspreid over meerdere locaties in Nederland opgeslagen. Op een middag lopen we vanuit Huis Dedel de Jan Hendrikstraat in en zien in Laan 20 een souterrain dat leeg lijkt te staan. Omdat Laan 20 een semi-openbaar gebouw is bleek het mogelijk een blik naar binnen te werpen: inderdaad is de ruimte niet langer in gebruik. Wel staat er nog van alles van de oude huurder (gezondheidsonderzoek Z-H)

De ruimte kan gehuurd worden, zo blijkt bij navraag. Stichting Huis Dedel gaat de huurovereenkomst aan voor 5 jaar met optiejaren.

Nadat de eigenaar de ruimte had gestript heeft het ReclameArsenaal als toekomstige gebruiker de ruimte geverfd en van een nieuwe vloer voorzien, waarna de eerste stellingen konden worden geplaatst. Lisette van Dinther heeft zich daar primair voor ingezet. We hebben gekozen voor stevige Nedcon magazijn stellingen uit de Achterhoek.

Eerste verhuizing, de affiches

Met behulp van stevige medewerkers en een grote trailer van JC-Decaux werden alle affiches die voorheen bij het Affichemuseum in Hoorn lagen opgeslagen van Hilversum naar Den Haag (Laan 20) vervoerd. De weergoden waren ons die dag erg goed gezind. De zon brak door toen de trailer in Den Haag arriveerde en het begon te regenen toen we moe maar voldaan naar huis keerden. In de daarop volgende weken zijn de mappen met affiches nagelopen en netjes in de stellingen opgeborgen.

Tweede verhuizing, de pallets

Na het plaatsen van nog veel meer stellingen kon in 2019 begonnen worden met de verhuizing van ruim 70 pallets met dozen en mappen vanuit een opslag in Montfoort. Met behulp van twee actieve stagiaires werden de dozen snel gesorteerd en in een logische volgorde op de stellingen in het archief geplaatst. Bij afwezigheid van Lisette werd veel werk verzet door Almar Seinen en Foske Rozeboom.

Verhuizing van de bibliotheek

Onderwijl is de bibliotheek van zowel het Reclame Arsenaal als het Affiche Museum te Hoorn naar Den Haag vervoerd.

Inmiddels zijn er ook een server met veel opslagruimte en een A3 scanner in Laan 20 geplaatst. Hiermee kunnen klein formaat objecten door ons zelf worden gescand en gedigitaliseerd. Deze scans worden op de website geplaatst. Hierdoor staan nu alle hi-res scans voor de IADDB bij elkaar op één server.